What aren’t they aren’t telling us?

A 3-4 weeks ago, my city changed the emergency alert system to a totally new system.  Early voting started a couple of weeks ago. Oct 3 and 4, the nationwide test of the amergency alerts in USA, and Russia were both tested within one day of each other. Israel gets surprise attacked Oct.7.  Biden goes to Israel a week later, tells Israel what they can and can’t do, sends all kinds of equipment, 2  aircraft carriers, and other vessels to stand guard in the waters. Today I get this in my mailbox. It’s a

They bought all those guns and Ammo during Obama’s first two terms, and imported an army’s worth of military aged men from all over the world.

Israel has held back the ground offensive for over a week.

This is bigger than Israel and Hamas. It is bigger than Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, IRG, PLO, Lebanon, Palestine, Gaza.

What is shaping up in and around Israel is laying the groundwork for what will ultimately make her feel safe and secure enough to “dwell safely without walls and gates” It has to demolish all of the radical Islamic groups that surround Israel on every side.

A Middle East powder keg is about to blow. Pretty much anything could happen anywhere at this point. Maybe stay away from large gatherings and definitely, keep aware of what is going on around you at all times. All those people marching in our cities a couple of days ago that hate Israel, they hate America as much or even more! The red-green alliance! You may want to look into it.

Praying for Israel, listenening for Trumpets!

Play nice!

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