Used to Be

JuI used to be the cheerful young lady behind the register at the grocery store, greeting by name and patiently ringing up my elderly customer’s grocery order, with patience and smiling friendly chatter.

Now, I’m the elderly customer, and I rarely encounter a cheerful young cashier who is patient and friendly. Except in my local “Mom and Pop” market,  the likes of which is becoming very rare.

At the risk of sounding old, I can’t help lamenting the change. We have lost so much, as a nation, since I was that young gal 40 years ago.

Used to be, neighbors cared about each other and even strangers looked out for one another.

We have lost compassion, common courtesy, common decency and common sense. We have lost any semblence of common values. Now we are all “global citizens.”  All of  the good and wholesome differences that make us each unique are being systematically eradicated, while at the same time, we are more divided from one another than ever in history.

I miss society.

This world is headed in a direction where no good will be found.

Used to be, people greeted each other when they passed on the street. Now, it’s risky to even do so. A man offered his coat to a cold homeless man, and got attacked for his trouble. A mom cleaned her son’s closet and discovered a severed head and hands in plastic bags. An old woman walking alone in broad daylight got knocked out cold for avsolutely no discernable reason, and no one even stopped to check on her, much less help.

A couple riding the subway, the man sleeping as his slight girlfriend was manhandled right off the train by a mentally unsound passenger. It has surpassed surreal. Maybe that’s why I have started having bizarre dreams. My subconscience grappling with all the baffling stuff happening during the waking hours. The human mind just cannot make it make any kind of sense.

God is loathed by the masses and misrepresented by most of those who profess devotion to Him.

Used to be, this world had time. But time is running out.

Repent. Come to Jesus. This world as you have known it, is about to change in ways few people could imagine, even if they wanted to. Normalcy bias is at pandemic proportions.

God has been patient and gracious a very long time. Just because He hasn’t addressed the rebellion and greed and pride and arrogance of this age yet, doesn’t mean He won’t. It just means He hasn’t yet. But He will.

Used to be, people realized that!

There are some people who have experienced a small taste of power, and let it fool them. They’ve experienced freedom, and taken it as a foregone conclusion. The changes of the last 40 years, the last hundred….the last thousand, are nothing, compared to what’s coming.

God created this world by merely speaking it into existance. There are an awful lot of people scurrying around on this little blue marble. They are smaller than ants to that big old God, yet there they are, thinking they are something, when they really aren’t. Thinking they have thrown off His constraints.

Those types would certainly look down their noses at my perspective.

That’s alright.

God ordained that the foolish things would confound the wise.

It’s easy to spend a life wanting to be “someone special”. Let that sentiment become as prevalent as it is now, and God gives them over to  it. So far has the lunacy progressed, that people increasingly are believing their own lies. Just this morning, I read of Canadian surgeons who have amputated 2 of the fingers of one man’s left hand, because he “felt like they didn’t belong to him” and it was causing him a lot of anxiety.

Man is so proud in his “knowledge”.

Take all the “knowledge” that’s out there for the knowing, but give me Jesus!

Knowing Him, is all the knowing that matters, and that’s a fact!

From where I’m sitting, I’ll shut my mouth and be thankful. Theee’s a point when anybody with half a brain cell realizes a critical line has been crossed.

The birds are silent. There’s an eerie stillness like what happens in the woods when a prdator is stalking. Anybody with an iota of intuition, ought to be feeling a prickling at the back of the neck. A reckoning is near, and if you are reading this, it may well be because God is giving you your final opportunity to call on Him for salvation. I wouldn’t brush it off if I were you.

Play nice!

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